Glamour Dogs Productions

noun: glamour; noun: glamor
an attractive or exciting quality that makes certain people or things seem appealing.
There’s nothing more glamorous than a well behaved, responsive dog. Whether they’re sashaying down a runway for a commercial shoot, fetching you a beer from the fridge after a long day at work or calmly walking by your side as you wave to your neighbors on a leisurely stroll to the park a well behaved dog is always in style. Here at Glamour Dog Productions we believe every dog is capable of being glamorous their owners just need to learn how to unlock their hidden potential.
Training Services
Our proven positive reinforcement based training techniques can guide you through our 5 step process to unlock your dogs inner glamour and strength the loving bond you share through teamwork as you obtain your personal goals. Our instructors are certified Triple Crown Instructors specializing in Trick Dogs, Stunt Dogs, Animal Actors and Canine Condition and Fitness that use a behavioral assessment based approach to help you identify and conquer your dogs biggest faux pas so you can achieve your goals. Glamour dogs must be equally as confident as they are clever so we aim to foster a positive learning environment by meeting dogs where they’re at, conquering fear and creating positive associations with favorable behaviors to help dogs and owners be their best selves in any environment. We offer a wide variety of training services to fit any budget.
To join our FREE online community with loads of resources Click here.
To view all our training services including group and private instruction CLICK HERE.
Title Programs and Evaluations
Want some bling bling for your dog that actually means something? Whether you’re interested in earning titles for competition or just to commemorate achieving your own personal goals we can help you get there.
To join our FREE online community and learn how to earn your first title CLICK HERE.
To pay for your completed and approved Glamour Dogs Productions title CLICK HERE.
To pay for your completed and Approved Do More With Your Dog! Title CLICK HERE.
Photography and Videography Services
Coming soon.
Social Media Consulting
Coming soon.